
Funny facts of our lives

So, I am 28 weeks pregnant this week. Coming out of my second trimester is a lot harder then I want it to be. I'm starting to feel all the aches and pains of being pregnant. Sore back, hip pain, the whole works. And I'm still throwing up...wasn't that suppose to be over a while ago?!

Top ten things that are harder to do being pregnant.
1. Changing bed sheets when one side of your bed is against the wall
2. Shaving your legs, sorry Chris
3. Sitting up after laying down on the couch.
4. Walking fast, especially if you have to pee.
5. Not being able to pop your back
6. Only being allowed to take Tylenol
7. Simply bending over.
8. Sitting, standing, Laying down or moving or a long period of time (basically never comfortable)
9. Always being hot.
10. Feeling whinny all the time.
Oh and bonus: being super touchy sensitive
Here is the real kicker though
My sweet husband is trying so hard to keep me happy with this pregnancy, it's adorable. This week was my birthday and i got spoiled of course. But this is not about how much I love him ( I really do, promise) but its time
Someone else knows what he "accidentally" says sometimes.
All these have been very recent.
1. After cutting open my elbow, bleeding sufficiently, Chris says "did you get blood on the couch?!" (before asking what happened or if I was okay. Typical)
2. After coming home first thing he says after walking in the door " wow you look really....pregnant today". (Awesome, of course I do.)
3. "just be cause you're a lot heavier now doesn't mean you can beat me up" (watch me)
4. "can you stick your belly button back in? It's grossing me out!" (enough said.)
5. "you throw up like a champ now" (that's something to put on my resume)
6. "I wonder what our baby will look like, we know if he looks like me he won't be ugly" (what's that suppose to mean?!)
7. "It's like an alien in there"
8. "you are a lot... Hairier being pregnant" (yes, yes I am. We're actually growing a monkey in there")

Those are just a few peachy things he "accidentally" says. Puts his foot in his mouth almost everyday. Good thing I can just laugh, pretend to pout and hold it over his head for a while.

1 comment:

  1. haha ok that is so cute! Chris is such a guy! Its like he treats you like he did us growing up! Tell Him Im NOT your sister Im your wife! Treat me like it! lol love you guys!
